

The Coats with The Lakewood High School Jazz Choir Arlington, WA

  • Date: December 8, 2017
  • Time:7:30PM
  • Venue: Lakewood High School17023 11th AVE NE Arlington, WA 9822
  •  Join Us
Lakewood High School – Arlington, WA
Friday, Dec 08, 2017 – 7:30PM
The Northwest’s Favorite Vocal Band ‘THE COATS’ 4th Annual Holiday Show Featured Opening by Lakewood High School’s Jazz Choir, “Swingbeat” BUY ONLINE TODAY – GENERAL SEATING Tickets are just $20! (General Seating Tickets, if available, will be $23 at the door) This fundraiser concert is sponsored by NLIMBO (North Lakewood Music Booster Organization) to help support the music program at LHS in Smokey Point. If you’ve never been to a concert by ‘The COATS’ you are in for a fun, energetic, night of AMAZING music! This will be a perfect way to start off the month of December and the holiday season! The concert will be at the all new LAKEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL – 17023 11th AVE NE Arlington, WA 98223
BUY ONLINE TODAY – GENERAL SEATING Tickets are just $20.00! GO TO OUR EVENT FOR MORE INFORMATION and to RSVP after you buy your tickets! https://www.facebook.com/events/1342298255896808/?ti=cl (Tickets, if available, will be $23 at the door) Concert starts at 7:30 PM DOORS WILL OPEN AT 7:10 PM
For more information contact LHS Director of Music – Mrs. Katy Trapp ktrapp@lwsd.wednet.edu